WiSE Mentoring Program

Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) Mentoring Program at the Okanagan Campus of the University of British Columbia connects industry mentors with female students in the Faculties of Engineering and the Irving K Barber School of Arts and Sciences. These links help students build satisfying and successful careers. They also enable mentors to promote their industries, network with other mentors, develop new skills, and maintain a connection with the UBC community.


To support the success of young women transitioning from their undergraduate education to a career in science or engineering, and to prepare and mentor them to remain in scientific careers.


  • To raise students’ awareness about the issues faced by women with careers in science and engineering.
  • To provide students with tools and strategies to enable them to succeed in their future careers in science and engineering.

Follow WiSE

Twitter: @UBCO_WiSE
Facebook: @UBCOwisementoring